Sunday, October 4, 2015

A Letter to the Love of My Life

This are not all the stuffs I really want, I'm still finding myself, so I'll update you sweetie.

• I love surprises. Not a grand surprise, just a simple surprise. You don't have to spend money or lot of money to surprise me, a piece of rose or any flower with just a simple note is enough, any stuff will do. I am not that materialistic. But surprise visit to me will be the best surprise I think. Why? I just want to be with you.

• You know what? I dream about you and me dancing sweetly with romantic music on an amazingly simple place for the two of us. Us, dancing with music and private place doesn't mean you have to spend money, all I want is you and me, slowly dancing with romantic music (photograph by ed adapted by jun sung ahn, love me like you do by ellie adapted by Robert Mendoza, or any sweet song will do but I prefer those kind of music since I love violin or piano versions) and just candle light under the tree. See, it's not that grand and it'll not eat your money. Just be practical and creative my dear. I save my sweet dance for long years because I told myself that I wanted my next sweet dance to be with you.

• I'm not a fan of stuff toys. I like them when somebody give some to me but I never bought something like that. Well, all I want is a big cute stuff toy or the stuff toy of toni toni chopper from one piece. But you being my stuff toy to hug on every night will be the best one!

• I also love watching cinema, but I am contented watching torrent files as long as I am with you.

• I also love going to not so elegant food stores, tea and burger shops. I love fries, burgers, siomai and shawarma. I am not good at sweet foods, but I love the spicy one. I also love pasta. But I prefer cooking with you, I am not good at it so please try to learn how to cook good for the sake of both of us.

• Everywhere and anywhere we go, I wanna capture it! I want a photograph of both of us every time we're together. I want a collection of our moments and tell the world that I love the man with me.

• My heart will really melt when you capture stolen shots of me. Please make it HD. And then when I suddenly found out that you post on your facebook or instagram. I'm gonna die in kilig with that!

• Please know every facts about me, but don't get too attached with those facts since changes is inevitable. So please, deal with me no matter how hard it is. Help me grow, I need you.

• Do not hide or deny me huh, please? I'm gonna love you more than what you can imagine if you're proud to have me. I'll assure you that I'll be the best girl ever.

• I want an introduction to any of your friend as : this is my girl.

• For me, everyday communication is necessary, If we're on a LDR, I want to have a video call with you even for just 5 minutes. If we're just near each other, I loved it when you'll gonna pick me up after school/work. Then I'll kiss you for saying thank you.

• Look at me, hold my face, stare in my eyes, kiss me, long, sincere and sweet, then hug me tight.

• Love me, accept me even if I am ugly, I have lot of flaws, I'm not good, I'm moody, very complicated, selfish, territorial, very jealous, poor, not classy, maloko, bully, and have a very ugly/unfortunate past. Please, deal with me? Love me, and show me that I deserved to be loved, that I am worthy and I am important. Thank you for everything. I love you and sorry.

• No one knows about this stuffs, it's only between me and my laptop, so I'f you're reading this then you're the lucky guy? Haha kidding.